Former England Goalkeeper: I Played the Last Decade of My Career with a ‘Dead’ Finger and Wore a Special Glove

Former England Goalkeeper Rob Green Reveals Injury

Rob Green, the former England goalkeeper, recently shared the gruesome details of the injury that plagued his final decade of professional football. He disclosed that he had to wear a special glove to manage a “dead” finger, which ultimately led to a wonky and permanently impaired little finger on his right hand. Despite the challenges, Green managed to continue playing through the injury, which he described as an interesting icebreaker for conversations.

Playing Through the Pain

Throughout his career, spanning over 250 Premier League appearances and 12 caps for England, Rob Green battled with a dislocated and broken finger that ultimately became “dead.” He recounted the struggles of feeling his finger stick in the ground while diving, ultimately leading to the need for a custom-made, paddle-like glove to immobilize and support the injured finger. Despite the pain and challenges, Green pushed through, wearing a finger brace within his gloves for the last ten years of his career.

A Career Highlight

Despite the injury, Green’s career was not without its accomplishments. Notably, he played in the infamous World Cup opener against the USA in 2010 and won the Europa League with Chelsea in 2019. His resilience and determination to continue playing despite the severe finger injury serve as a testament to his dedication to the sport and his team.

jamal hejaze

Hello, I'm Jamal Alhejazi, a dedicated sports writer with a passion for delivering compelling sports news. With a deep understanding of various sports disciplines, I bring a unique perspective and insightful analysis to my writing.
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